10 ultimate tips for extraordinary self-care 

Self-care and self-love are the pillars of a successful business and life. Many times in my entrepreneurship journey I have come into sheer burnout. Where I needed weeks to recover and wondered if entrepreneurship was truly for me. In order to prevent burnout I focus on these areas below. Also, stay until the end there is an excerpt from one of my favorite books. Here in the end of the article too, we feature two incredible female founders who are specialists in self-care, Miriam Popp of Vibrant Lifestyle Coaching, and Leandra Rose of the Radiant Rebellion. 

 1  Get Houseplants

 Besides keeping air cleaner, exposure to plants can also boost your mood. How? According to recent studies, active interaction with indoor plants has been shown to possibly give a sense of calm, suppress nervous system activity, and reduce blood pressure. Don’t feel as if you have a green thumb? Possibly try a succulent and filtering house plants. It’s hard to kill them. Or, if you’re more advanced, try Areca Palms or Peace Lilies.

 2  Side – Income

 Often turning our passions into another income on the side increases our confidence and fills our savings to contribute to other dreams. We can then, if we find a niche that is successful for us, turn our side income and multiple streams of income into a full time passion and business. 

 3  Hair and Face Masks (the kind of masks we apply, not wear)

 There is something about putting a hair or face mask on that feels luxurious. There are a lot of face masks one can make at home with home products. Such as one is using organic raw honey, or other bought natural face masks. For the hair mask I often use conditioner or coconut oil to let it sit in my hair while I take a bath or clean, for the most of the day. The longer you can let the conditioner set in your hair the better. I love putting the conditioner on all my hair and making sure the oil or conditioner is massaged into my scalp too. This possibly helps hair growth, and eliminates dry scalp issues.

 4  Switching Coffee For Tea

Switching coffee for a relaxing caffeine free tea is helpful to give our nervous system a rest. Coffee speeds up our heart rate, and can produce more cortisol in our bodies, the stress hormone. Caffeine besides being addictive also, often tricks our bodies into fight or flight mode. It’s healthy to take breaks from ingesting caffeine and have days for only caffeine free teas and healthy other drinks.

 5  Pet An Animal, Especially A Cat If You Are Not Allergic

 Animals can offer a lot of empathy in hard times, and scientifically are shown to reduce stress in humans. 

 6  Ease Up On The Comparison Game

When we find ourselves in the comparison game we can acknowledge ourselves yet also let these feelings go after we feel them. We need to remind ourselves how everyone has their own journey, we might not see their whole story, we don’t know what chapter they are on in their own journey and what they have been through. Without this knowledge, and let me state here, even if someone is our best friend we still will not know everything happening for them in their hearts and in their heads, therefore we especially do not know about this about someone we barely know. When we are seeing someone we might be seeing their chapter 20 and we may be on our chapter 10, or we might have a completely different path all together. 

7  Start A Journal

I know sometimes it seems like a chore to write in a journal or seems too spiritual…Yet it is proven how when we write something with a utensil there is a memory imprint onto our brain and it triggers the goal in a lot more of an impactful way as opposed to doing something else. Especially if you have specific goals, write them down, think about where you want to be in 5 years, then 10 years, then 20 years, dream, and truly reach for exactly what you want. Another item to write down is what you are grateful for everyday. I have a personal practice to write down or day outloud at least 5 things I’m grateful for everyday, regardless of the day, everyday. 

8  Get A Message

Take some time to treat yourself, in whichever way possible, within your budget. This can be to walk to your favorite coffee shop and get a special drink, to buy your favorite beverage and have it or make it at home, painting your nails, getting your nails painted, having a great tea, and please comment on your ideas of what you do for feeling luxurious. When a massage comes from professionals they are shown to relieve pain and stiffness, boost immunity, reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress and blood pressure, and increase circulation, he says.

 9  Move Or Dance Like No One Is Watching

Moving our bodies is the best possible way to move energy around in the body, and a great way to stay healthy. Dancing has many benefits! 

 10  Monitor Your Daily Input 

 Think about the old saying in, “You are what you consume.” 

This saying has a lot to do now with social media, news, and anything we consume in our lives. Sometimes we are going through the motions and forget to watch out for what we consume. Make an effort to consume positive media everyday. 

Book Excerpt From ‘Women Who Love Too Much’:

“Once the self-acceptance and self-love begin to develop and take hold, we are then ready to consciously practice simply being ourselves without trying to please, without performing in certain ways calculated to gain another’s approval and love. But stopping the performances and letting go of the act, while a relief, can also be frightening. Awkwardness and a feeling of great vulnerability come over us when we are just being rather than doing. As we struggle to believe we are worthy, just as we are, of the love of someone important to us, the temptation will always be there to put at least a bit of an act for our partner, and yet if the recovery process has progressed there will also be a unwillingness to go back into the old behaviors and old manipulations….”

 Female Founders Who Are Experts In Self-Care

Miriam Popp of Vibrant Lifestyle Coaching 

We asked her three questions and these are the questions then listed with her answers. 

 1  What are your top 3-5 strategies to implement self-care rituals into your life and clients’ lives? 

 1. Arm yourself with self awareness. Get clear about WHY you’re getting after self care. WHY is it important for you to dedicate time to love? How does it make your life better? Let this clarity motivate you into action when you’re feeling uninspired and burnt out.

 2. Allow your self care to flow WITH your world. No matter how big or small an act of love you commit to, let’s be mindful of not adding performance pressure to your world. Do what you can, when you can. It’s not about being perfect, make caring for yourself the priority.  

  1. Drink your water! Staying hydrated is such a powerful act of self care for your mind, body and soul. Staying hydrated keeps your body energized, your mind clear and your ability to connect with yourself easier.  

2  What do you consider non-negotiable self-care rituals every woman needs to implement into their lives?

I think it’s super important for women to take time daily for themselves from something as simple as 5-10 minutes spent breathing, quietly, distraction free to a whole morning/evening ritual to an intentional movement (physical movement that speaks to you) routine. As women it’s so easy to give so much of us to the outer world. I cheer my clients on as they make themselves a priority in their worlds DAILY.  

3  If someone is new to self-care, where do you suggest they even start? 

I encourage my clients to explore self care activities that interest them. It’s important that you focus on your interests instead of what you see working for the next person. Self care is a personal journey, unless you’re focusing on the next person you can’t do it wrong. It can be as simple as taking a few breaths to get centered, then asking yourself, “What do I need right now to feel peace?” Leave the cynicism for later and instead really focus on what you CAN do. If you’re curious about something, bring some child-like wonder into your world and explore your curiosities. Trying new things and finding your joy in them is self care in action. Focus on the joy, peace, and grounding you experience when pursuing new self care activities. If something doesn’t speak to you, GREAT! Move on to something else.  

Miriam’s BIO:

Miriam Isinini Popp is a Certified Wellness Coach, Youth Mentor, Speaker, founder of Vibrant Lifestyle Coaching and cofounder of The Collaborative Healing Spot. Miriam helps her clients manage their stress with her holistic approach to  stress management. This approach encourages her clients to begin trusting themselves fully so they can make empowered decisions confidently that lead to the big, bold, VIBRANT lives of their dreams. She does this by way of public speaking, 1:1 coaching, group programs, virtual workshops and self paced digital courses. In 2019, she was honored by her alma mater for her ongoing efforts in the wellness community globally as well as in her local community as a volunteer youth mentor for underserved girls of color. She believes when women have a safe space to reconnect with their truth they thrive and as a result anything is possible in their world. 

 How To Contact Miriam:

 Her website/ Contact Info:



 Her Instagram Link/ Facebook page: 



A Few More Ways To Connect With Her:

Check out The Collaborative Healing Spot bit.ly/3dK7OkQ

Hangout in my free Facebook community bit.ly/UnlockYourMagic 

Setup a one off session at https://VibrantLifestyleCoaching.as.me/

Leandra Rose of the Radiant Rebellion

We asked her three questions and these are the questions then listed with her answers.  

1  What are your top 3-5 strategies to implement self-care rituals into your life and clients’ lives? 

My top strategies for bringing more self care rituals into your daily life are:

1. Schedule – literally put it in your calendar with an alert especially in the beginning so that you can get into a daily habit. 

2. Feel – Take note of how you feel before and after your rituals and record which practices make you feel great. This will help rewire the neural pathways of your new habit and help anchor it in until self care becomes second nature. We are wired to feel good but sometimes we don’t realize how good self care can be until we track it.  

3. Slow down – Don’t rush to check off your self care rituals from your to do list. Slow down and savor the time you’ve carved out for yourself, whether it’s 5 minutes or 30. 

4. Keep it simple – The biggest hurdle to implementing self care in our modern world is not having the time. So keeping your self care rituals simple and convenient. Enjoying a 10 minute mindfulness meditation or even a 5 minute breath-work practice can have a profound impact on your wellbeing and can be done from your office or even in your car in between errands. Of course you can always make room for a luxurious 2 hour massage but be realistic about what you can do day to day. 

2  What do you consider non-negotiable self-care rituals every woman needs to implement into their lives?

My non-negotiable rituals for self care are Embodiment practices – that is any practice that helps you come into connection with your body, sensations, and feelings. My favorites are dance, grounding practices, and breath-work. Without daily rituals for the embodiment of our feminine radiance we end up in our heads which leads us to feel dull, anxious and depleted. 

3  If someone is new to self-care, where do you suggest they even start? 

I created The Radiance Reset – a mini course to support women in resetting their home, habits, and mindset so they can thrive in their full RADIANCE.

This is for anyone who has been feeling dull & depleted, lacking confidence & losing touch with your feminine essence.

Each day includes a short & powerful video lesson to help you bring more radiance into all aspects of your life. All of the action steps are easy to implement & totally free so you can start feeling deliciously radiant right away! 

Leandra’s Bio:

 Leandra Rose is a Woman’s Transformational Coach, Speaker, Author, and founder of The Radiant Rebellion. She helps visionary women break free from self doubt and fear so they can create the lives of their dreams. With her extensive background in embodiment, energetics & mindset, Leandra holds an exquisite space that allows her clients to have profound breakthroughs in life, health, heart & purpose.

Link To Her Website & Socials:




Insta: https://www.instagram.com/theradiantrebellion/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/leandra.rose2

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theradiantrebellion


You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, and Twitter

To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIn.


Self-care and self-love are the pillars of a successful business and life.”

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