Building An Engaged And Large Email List (Part 2) I get the question a lot from clients, “Is Email Dead?” They want to know if email marketing is worth their time to set up and to know if setting up these sequences and promotions is also worth their time. In...
Building An Engaged And Large Email List (Part 1) When I think about the brands I enjoy, such as Nike, J. Crew, Spotify, American Eagle, Amazing Grass, CLEAN, DICK’S, and Athleta, I know I’m not a loyal brand advocate because of their products alone. I can...
Opting In I see this every day in business owners opting themselves out of opportunities even before trying or knowing if they can achieve it or not. In them not fully knowing or owning their worth. Have you been opting yourself out of opportunities? Such as...
Stopping The Guilt Little By Little Was reminded of how I’ve seen this pattern before of thinking because there are bad things happening in the world that means I too need to suffer, that somehow it makes the world better to suffer too. In my humble opinion →...
Ways To Learn Empathy Empathy can be learned. Empathy can be utilized for deeper connections and having healthier relationships. Misplaced Empathy is having empathy for those who seek to manipulate you, in a victim mindset, dismiss your thoughts and feelings,...