7 Types Of Blog Post Titles That Get Clicked
A lot of bloggers spend hours writing content, hence me also, right here, I do! This can be a huge problem because I have a lot of other things to do in my business too. Usually I write a few blogs at once and plan a time block to be able to execute this fully.
I’m always looking for ways to increase the engagement of my content to make it worth my time, ultimately I desire as many people to see it as possible. Also to automate more of my systems.
This can also be a huge problem when bloggers are spending tons of time writing these incredible articles yet do not have great titles or know what to title them to have a lot of clicks.
At this moment we (Empire Life) have 3,557 blog comments awaiting response and approval.
We are getting a lot of clicks, comments, shares, and readers. Thank you!
We have a lot of engagement and loyal supportive fans of our blog.
As expert bloggers, we want people to click on our blogs and read them!
Getting Your Blogs Noticed
There is a lot of excitement to put a blog out there, and you know the feeling right before you hit publish bloggers often get…A great blogger usually is anticipating how the community will receive the blog.
Writing a great article is one part of the equation. There is also SEO and the title. Most writers and bloggers will tell us that publishing our articles is one thing. Making sure it’s clicked, read, commented on, and shared, that’s another ‘can of worms’!
There are a few strategies to use that will make your writing more noticeable and have catchy titles to draw people’s attention.
If I needed to guess when you have tried to do this yourself, you might have come across a few blog post title generators and you think that it is what you need to know about crafting attention-grabbing headlines.
If that’s the case, let’s unpack something:
Blog post titles that follow templates can seem dry and often overused. There is nothing special about creating another “10 Tips For Women” title. Have you seen how common these are? One can just type it in Google to see…
To catch people’s attention, you need creative blog post titles, your headlines need to be one of a kind. That’s what I want to show you how to do here.
In this article, I will:
Show you 7 types of blog post titles that work
Explain to you why they work and what makes people click
Provide you with 5 innovative variations of each headline title
Present you with blog post title examples from real sites, and…
Demonstrate how you can easily change your idea into a perfect headline
All of this will teach you how to title blog posts. So, shall we begin?
1) “A Guide To…” Titles
The title of this post is “… : A Beginner’s Guide.”
I choose this because…well, first of all, “a guide” communicates to readers that it’s giving you the most important information about a topic, and in this case it is -> blog post titles.
Secondly, using “beginner’s guide,” in the headline should bring in those with little or no experience in creating catchy blog headlines. People like new bloggers and writers or people who want to learn more about optimizing content for SEO.
Why do “guide” topics work?
“Guide” topics work because they promise readers they will find all the most important information about a topic in the article. Then if we craft the guide well they have the feeling that there is no need to search for more.
Now, when we are creating a “guide” headline, we want to be creative! There are many ways to expand on a common “…: A Guide” topic. And to make your own unique guide! Here are a few innovative blog post title ideas you can use:
“The In-Depth Guide To…”
“A Start-To-Finish Guide…”
“…: A Step-By-Step Guide”
“…: The Only Guide You Need”
“The Advanced Guide To…”
There are numerous ways you can change the common “Guide” title. Remember, expand on your idea! If you are stumped about knowing how to change your idea into an amazing title, write it down and improve on it the way I did below:
Idea: Writing Great Copy.
Good Title: A Guide To Writing Great Copy.
Great Title: A Simple Guide To Writing Great Copy
Perfect Title: A Simple Guide To Quickly Write Great Copy
2) “5, 10, 20, 30…”
Many readers, as well as writers, fall in love with list articles at first sight and there is a reason for it.
List articles are easy to read and easy to write. They also get clicked and read more often than others.
What makes list-icles work? Why do they gain momentum?
List articles are eye-catching because they organize information, inform you up-front how long the article will be and how many new things you’ll learn.
Here are some ideas on how to create innovative list-icles:
“X Secrets Of…”
“X Reasons Why…”
“X Mind Blowing Facts About…”
“X Ways You Can… While…”
“X Myths About…”
Also, check the three articles below.
Aren’t these titles noticeable?
The 17 Best Tools For Increasing Your SEO.
16 Innovative Article Ideas: How to Publish Regularly for Your Blog.
Let’s now try to change a simple idea into a creative, eye-catching blog post title like those above:
Idea: Marie Forleo
Good Title: 25 Of Marie Forleo’s Greatest Phrases.
Great Title: 25 Of Marie Forleo’s Greatest Phrases Every Fan Should Know About.
Perfect Title: 25 Unique Phrases Of Marie Forleo’s Every Fan Should Know About.
3) “… No One Will Tell You” Blog Post Titles
Do you like the idea of missing out on something? Having FOMO (fear of missing out)? No? Well, neither do your readers, most likely.
“… No One Will Tell You” title works like magic because it promises you that once you click it, you will learn something unknown. Also, you will be in the know and not out of the loop.
Let’s brainstorm for some ideas on how to write innovative “… No One Will Tell You” blog post titles that will draw people’s attention.
“X… Secrets No One Has Told You About…”
“…? Here Are X Realities No One Will Tell You”
“X Things No One Will Tell You Before…”
“The… Advice No One Will Give You”
“What No One Will Tell You But You Need To Hear About…”
Also, take a look at the three articles below. Can you resist reading them?
5 Things No One Will Tell You About Starting Your First Company.
6 Things No One Tells You About Running a Business While Traveling.
Now, let’s try to create a perfect “… No One Will Tell You” title. What would you say about a topic involving writing a book and becoming a bestseller? Let’s narrow it down to publishing and becoming a best-selling author.
Idea: Publishing a best selling book.
Good Title: What No One Will Tell You About Becoming A Best-Selling Author.
Great Title: 20 Things No One Will Tell You About Becoming A Best-Selling Author.
Perfect Title: 20 Mind Blowing Facts No One Will Ever Tell You About Becoming A Best-Selling Author.
4) “How To” Titles
“How To” titles are some of the most popular for blog posts. Check some of your favorite websites. How many “How To” titles do they have?
“How To” titles get clicked by hundreds because they promise to teach you some important vital skills.
Also, think about what we often use google for? To find the information we don’t know, right? When we want to learn something new, improve skills, “how to” articles are the first we check and click since they offer us help as well as solutions. These are for titling blog posts for SEO.
Check out these ideas on how to change the common “How To” title into a more interesting one:
“…: What It Is And How To Use It”
“X… Mistakes And How To Avoid Them”
“Why… And How To…”
“Beginner’s Guide: How To…”
“How To Create… Even If…”
Also, take a look at the three posts below. Are they widely clicked on? Yep!
How To Get More Likes On Facebook Without Purchasing Fans.
How To Create The Perfect Thank You Page: An Epic Guide..
Now, since we know that “How To” titles work and get hundreds of clicks, let’s try to create our own “How To” title that’ll interest our readers:
Idea: Creating a business name.
Good Title: How To Create A Business Name.
Great Title: How To Easily And Quickly Create A Business Name.
Perfect Title: How To Easily And Quickly Create A Business Name: 10 Steps.
5) “Where, What, Why” Titles
Like I mentioned before, we often use google in order to find the information we lack. Just like “How To” articles, “Where, What, Why” blog titles get hundreds of readers since they give us answers to questions that keep us up at night.
Let’s summarize this up by stating:
“Where, What, Why” blog titles work because they promise that by reading the article you will learn something new, find advice as well as a solution to a problem you have.
Here are some simple yet interesting ideas on how to create “Where, What, Why” blog post titles:
“…: Here’s Why”
“What You Can Learn From…”
“What Will… Look Like In The Future?”
“What Is…: An Inside Look At…”
“Where To Find… And How To…”
Also, check the three articles below. Do they promise to give you useful information?
Why Successful People Plan Their Lives 90 Days At A Time.
What are the benefits of Amazon KDP Publishing? (And How to Start).
Now, let’s come up with our own unique “Where, What, Why” title, shall we? What if we’d like to share our knowledge about how to start a business?
Idea: Start A Business.
Good Title: What To Start A Business On.
Great Title: 10 Businesses To Start.
Perfect Title: 10 Of The Top Types Of Businesses To Start.
6) “Infographic:…” Titles
There is a reason why we want more infographics: they are quick to read, fun, and easy to remember. If your post can have visual content, put it in your headline! The promise of an infographic might result in more people reading your post as well as more shares on social media.
Why are “Infographic” blog post titles attractive?
“Infographic” titles attract more people because they promise that the content will be visual, and thus, easy to process and memorize.
Let’s take a look at three easy avenues to inform your readers that there will be an infographic in the post:
“Infographic: …”
“… (Infographic)”
“Fun Infographic About…
Also, check out the blog posts below. How many shares did they get?
Infographic: The Best Careers Paths For Introverts And Extroverts.
Email Marketing and Why it’s So Important [Infographic].
As you can see, putting “infographic” into your title is very simple and promises a lot of social media shares.
One can use this strategy if you have wonderful visual content to share with your readers!
Idea: SEO.
Good Title: How To Have Great SEO.
Great Title: How To Have Great SEO: Infographic.
Perfect Title: How To Have Great SEO: Informative Infographic For Business Owners.
7) “Mistakes To Avoid” Blog Post Titles
As we all well know, people often learn best from their own mistakes. However, wouldn’t you enjoy being one step ahead and have the know-how to avoid the common mistakes in a given task before you take it? I think the answer might be obvious…
“Mistakes To Avoid” blog titles work because it promises information about what can prevent your success and what you should pay attention to.
Here are a few ideas on how to make creative blog post titles for the above:
“How To Fix… Errors That…”
“X … Mistakes To Stop Making Now”
“… Mistakes That Are…”
“… Mistakes And How To Fix Them”
“X Mistakes To Avoid When…”
Check out the three articles below as well. Do their titles spark your interest?
Want New Clients Faster? Avoid This Marketing Habit.
10 Mistakes I Made as a Successful First Time Amazon KDP Author (So You Don’t Have To).
Let’s say you’d like to write an article about how to write a blog post.
What title would it have?
Idea: Write A Blog Post.
Good Title: Mistakes To Avoid While Writing A Blog Post.
Great Title: 10 Mistakes To Avoid While Writing A Blog Post.
Perfect Title: 10 Common Mistakes To Avoid While Writing Your First Blog Post.
As one can see, writing creative, eye-catching blog post titles, that work, does not have to be complicated. Remember, when creating your own unique title, you can combine ideas! You do not have to use just one template.
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100% of coaches and female-led businesses who implemented Empire Life’s business strategies in client leads, monthly income (often a 20X increase from when they started with Empire Life’s support), and client retention after having Empire Life Mentorship, apply here.
With heavily investing in ourselves there is also no need to invest in multiple online courses which are not geared for the woman scaling her business.
There are mastermind and online courses primarily for the female founder who is just starting out. Where we guide them in finding and solidifying their ideal client, their client avatar, and hone in on their exact message, their true essence and bringing this to the world, in our Empire Life Blueprint Online Course, here.
For the female businesses who are scaling, who are already making over $20,000USD-$40,000USD per month, there needs to be a different and unique level of support, just for you. This leads me to our mastermind (doors opening soon!!), and masterminds in general to be a part of, and contact us and apply here.
Have you had a chance to grab our best-selling book, with women stories of their rising to success, and Redefining their success.
If you want to be featured in the upcoming book REDEFINE, Series 2, are a female founder, with an incredible story to share with millions to inspire them, apply here.
You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, and Twitter.
To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIn.
“Writing a great article is one part of the equation.“
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