Female Founders Collective Series Starting Next Friday

Female founders’ voices will be heard. With Empire Life publishing our first book in Jan 2021, we have already filled most of the spots for Female Founders to be published there and here in the blog. We have a few spots left. Make sure to contact us here or comment on the blog to inquire about being published in the book and here on the blog. 

We are publishing stories of female founders rising to their personal success in the book, series 1. The intention of the book is to inspire millions of women to see what it looks and feels like to live on our own terms, in our own success, and the rising of the ashes to the Phoenix. Every woman has a personally powerful story to tell and we desire to publish them! Each woman’s story is unique and only she can tell it. 

Next Friday we will kick off the Female Founders Collective Series with an excerpt from Megan Corey’s story in the blog. Everyone will be able to read the full story in the book in Jan 2021. 


You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIN, Website, and Twitter. 

To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIN.


“Empire Life, Series 1 book is coming into full effect with excerpts of the Female Founders’ stories here soon on the blog!”

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