why membership sites are the future


Maybe you have been seeing tons of entrepreneurs launching and scaling membership sites and you are wondering at this moment if you need to launch one. 

Perhaps you are a bit skeptical. You are wondering if these people are actually making money on their membership sites. You are wondering if you SHOULD start one yourself for your offers.

You might have Googled how to set up a membership site and received a lot of information. Then, you might have even started the process and launched one to have it bellyflop. 

I understand, let’s start from the beginning…


A membership site is when part of your website has gated content requiring a login and often an initial payment or monthly payment to continue to access the content. Once the user is inside the ‘gate’ they have access to specific content and privileges. 

A great example is a gym membership, a customer would not have access to everything unless they became a member. 

Often there are different membership levels, i.e. different access to gated content, to time with the business, to use of different services, to different products, and more.

The average small business is subscribed to 20 subscription services for their business. By 2022 53% of online revenue will be generated from membership sites. (- Digitalist)

Also, fellow female founder, Sylvie Longstreet states, 

‘Everyone has a gift, talent, hobby, passion and/or knowledge that is easily shareable and translatable into a membership site, and creating your own site is easier than ever.’



Membership sites allow you to utilize your time and content in two ways:

  1. Your content becomes an asset. You can create it once and sell it or repurpose it to hundreds or possibly thousands of students for a long time.
  2. Membership sites are capable of being totally automated. With the way Empire Life builds and creates membership sites for our clients they are almost completely automated. How dreamy will it be to be getting emails of new students, and know those same students are getting welcoming emails of next steps, and payments are coming to your account. Maybe you can be receiving these sign up emails poolside?


People value what they pay for more than they value a freebie you have on your website or what they get for free. 

Unconsciously there is more value put on paid content. 

You will want to focus on packaging your content in giving them a ‘roadmap’, in saving them a lot of time.


Being in a community of like-minded people to support one another, collaborate, and cheer each other on is invaluable.

People love being surrounded by a community of people united by common interest, with similar concerns to chat about.

Most successful membership sites provide a place for their members to hang out, such as in a private FB group. This gives people a place to feel a sense of belonging and come together in a shared vision, something bigger than themselves.


Community Model

The community comes together because of a similar interest, the leader usually offers a masterclass a month. Also, a private Facebook group is included often and possibly live training happen in the Facebook Group once a month or once a week on relevant topics. Possibly there is a portal on the membership where the members access gated content to speed their process of learning and succeeding. 

Solution Model

These membership sites focus on one topic in solving a problem, such as ‘Gain 10k followers on Instagram,’ or ‘Gain 5k this month in new clients,’ or ‘Grow an organic garden.’

Goal Oriented Model

When people have a certain goal and will have an easier time in a group setting with others holding them accountable these are perfect programs for them. These types of membership sites can be related to weight loss, fitness goals, or starting a new way of eating. 

Membership Site Variables


When building a community there are a few options of fees that can be monthly, or a one time fee for lifetime access. These fees can range from $27 to $3000 a month. Depending on the value offered every month and the customized needs for your audience. 

For the content, depending on the model, we can use video (live or you talking to slides), PDF’s, workbooks, photos and/or mock-up illustrations, quizzes, charts, interactive spreadsheets, webinars, Facebook live videos, and more.


This is usually a hard choice, and some membership sites have multiple offers displaying both a lifetime access and a fixed term access. If a membership site gives members access who pay every month this is a fixed term access, these members will only have access when they are paying for the access. If a membership site gives members access who pay one fee for a lifetime membership, these members will have lifetime access. 

One of the pros of a fixed term membership offer is members feeling encouraged to finish the course or continue to show up because they are paying for this every month.


It’s clear membership sites cover a lot of niches. Also, membership sites are capable of starting to bring in a lot of passive income. 

If you’re up for widening your reach online. If you’re ready to create a membership site to leverage your time and make money in a more flowing way, we at Empire Life are here to support! Fantastic!

There is no need to feel the pressure to build it all yourself. If you are working with a company, similar to Empire Life, or Empire Life, we suggest to be with a company who already has all these tools they love and use with their clients. 

We also highly recommend WordPress! 

Are you in? Ready to start a membership site?


You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIN, Website, and Twitter

To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIN.






“Membership sites are one of the best ways to create passive income almost effortlessly.”

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