Handling And Reframing Rejection
When in the face of rejection, accepting it, and learning from it means you are putting yourself out there.
A great exercise to examine rejection, is too →
Write down all the times you felt rejected and what came out of this, with every detail.
By writing down each experience where you felt rejected, this will start to aid in your understanding of what rejection means to you.
Start to create new beliefs about rejection and what it means to you.
‘Everything is always working out for the best.’
An example of a new belief can be, Rejection = Refinement and Redirection.
The next steps are about what to focus on to redirect the rejection to serve you in your business.
1 Don’t Take It Personally
Real Truth: It’s usually not personal. Someone might be struggling in their business, or not have the clarity or confidence to need your services and support in their business.
We all might take things personally, it is hard not too, it happens to all of us.
When we have an idea shut down, or an offer rejected this does not mean it is about us personally, or that we are being rejected.
Often a way to redefine a rejection is to realize that the person rejecting our offer is making space for our ideal clients to come in, for the better. If we are unable to let these rejections go then this could potentially knock us completely off our game and out of business eventually.
Read more stories here from ladies who defined their success:
If you want to be featured in the upcoming book REDEFINE, Series 2, are a female founder, with an incredible story to share with millions to inspire them, apply here.
Rejection Is A Learning Opportunity
2 See Rejection As An Opportunity To Learn
Chalk it up to an overwhelming sense of pride, but entrepreneurs can often sit down in a meeting thinking that everyone else is wrong. While there may be some truth to that, it’s important to learn from every rejection. If your software or product was rejected for a particular reason, take a second look and see if you can make your original idea better.
I’ve made great re-vamps and pivots to our services, online courses, offerings, and programs thanks to rejection. By asking for feedback and paying attention to feedback about what your ideal clients (even if they are not your clients yet) truly desire and what they are not interested in, we’ve been able to make our solutions exactly to be what our ideal clients want. It’s a win-win.
Use The Rejections To Better Support Your Clients And Team
3 Educating Your Clients And Team On Rejection Handling Is Beneficial
Understanding what common rejections are and having a clear answer to each one is beyond powerful, for yourself, your sales calls, and training your sales team at your company. Having ‘rejection-handling’ documents for your team is hugely going to impact the success of your company.
Also, with your clients you can guide them on what their potential clients will have questions about (rejections), and how they can answer them.
4 Utilize Rejections As A Guide For New Projects And Pivots
Identifying your ideal client is a great first step and a needed step at any point in your business. If you’re constantly hearing “no” from the same crowd, it’s possible that you’re trying to sell your product or service to the people who are not your ideal client. Take a second look at who’s rejecting you and figure out if this is the right audience for your product or service. Chances are you might not be targeting correctly.
Rejection can be hard for all of us. When you’re running a business and an entire team is dependent on your success, it’s even more stressful.
Entrepreneurs often carry a heavy load. Rejection should not discourage you, nor should it end your vision.
If you are desiring to become a best-selling author, and on Amazon, this is the best way to accomplish this because it is about the volume of purchases in 24-hours that make an author a best-seller.
The cool amazing thing about being involved in a REDEFINE Series book is we, the Empire Life Team, do all of the above for you in the process of becoming a published author, or second time or third time published author…check out more information about this here.
If you have picked up my best-selling book REDEFINE, here, you already know that taking my finances seriously was a process for me, and you can connect more with my why there! My chapter is all about money mindset, and I highly recommend it. Money can work for us, yet we need to know how it can work for us while in business.
If you would like more help with this, we guide our clients in Empire Life on how to turn your expertise and know-how into a profitable membership, all while being guided by a female-owned business, where we are also advocates for women! We are the #1 go-to team when it comes to membership sites, facebook ads, and guidance on scaling your business, definitely don’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from Empire Life!
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If you would like more help with this, need a mentor and business coach, remember to reach out to us here, where you’ll learn how to turn your knowledge and expertise into a profitable membership site and offer! (Empire Life always has the best strategies so don’t miss out!)
You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, and Twitter.
To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIn.
“Rejection Is A Learning Opportunity.”
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