
What Is The Empire Life Mastermind?

Belonging to a heart-centered, ambitious, and intuitive community of women is a game-changer. You will meet with the group twice a month, in two 45-min deep dive strategy group zoom sessions. You will have access to Empire Life courses too. Making your dreams, goals, and visions a reality, and quickly with the strategies from Allison, Empire Life, and the incredible community.


One-on-One Mentoring

empire life mastermind includes

Empire Life academy Mastermind

1 Year Program 

Belonging To A Tight Knit, Female, Accepting, Intuitive, Passionate, Wildly Wealthy, Abundant, Ambitious, Heart-Centered, Intuitive, Supportive Exclusive Community. That Are All Rising And Scaling Their Businesses Together.

Private Exclusive Access To Empire Life Modules, Workbooks, Infographics

Bi-Monthly Group Mastermind Zoom Sessions

Unlimited Facebook Group Access

Customized Email Content For Female Ambitious Heart-Centered Business Owners

Online Courses

Reserved Seat to Online and In-Person Empire Life Events (event fees not included)

Each starting at


Frequently Asked Questions

You will find all the most frequently asked questions below. If you do not see your particular question answered below, make sure to click on the message button on the right hand side of screen, or DM us your questions on our social media platforms. We appreciate to hearing from you!

General Questions

Who Are The Empire Life Programs For?

The Empire Life Programs, One-On-One Mentoring, Masterminds, Day Intensives, Online Courses, Become An Author, And Business Retreats are for the ambitious, heart-centered, supportive, driven, strong leader female founders, businesswomen who are scaling their online businesses.

What Will I Learn In The Empire Life Programs?

Business strategies, increased confidence, increased knowledge in your gifts and skills, authentic sales processes, next steps to scale your business and expertise, and increasing your impact.

Let’s say I signed on today with Empire Life, when can I anticipate an ROI?

The first step is going through the Empire Life Blueprint Online Course, then your first call with Allison, Empire Life. As soon as you start implementing our strategies (personal to you), and you follow through on what it will take to do so. We are in this together, our clients who have implemented our feedback and coaching strategies quickly are the ones who see the biggest ROI.

How often will you communicate with me?

For Empire Life’s programs, there is usually a 48-72 hour response time to emails and direct messages. Unless this is in weekends and outside of normal business hours. For the one-on-one mentor program, there are two bi-monthly calls. For the mastermind program, there are two bi-monthly group calls. There is also a Facebook group to ask questions and have a response from experts in the group too.

How Will Empire Life Programs Benefit Me?

The confidence we gain when we are allowed to hone our gifts, ask for feedback vulnerability, and sit with professional experts in their fields is invaluable.

How Do Clients Get In Touch With Empire Life Outside Of Business Hours?

Empire Life has a 24/7 tech support line if your domain is under the Empire Life Shop, here. For business questions, we can be emailed and get back to our clients in 48-72 hours in business days.

Does Empire Life Offer On-Going Support?

We are here to answer any questions from our previous clients. If they need additional support in a strategy session, online course, intensive day, retreat, becoming a published author, or in a mastermind, they sign a new contract and get started in a new program designed and aligned for them. 

What Is The Empire Life On-Boarding Process?

Every program in Empire Life has a lot of touchpoints through emails, resources, and reminders. Some programs offer online course access too.

What Is A Mastermind?

The Empire Life Mastermind is 3-7 super successful intuitive businesswomen coming together to support each other, gain tailored online digital marketing training, mentoring, implement strategies that are designed to make a difference to your results, and mastermind calls where you always get your time to talk about your goals, what’s working and gain help with challenges to scale your business.

What Are Free Resources Empire Life Has?

Empire Life is literally everywhere online. We offer tons of free resources of tips and guides in our blogs, our female founders’ Facebook group, our podcasts, and our social media channels.

About Our Programs

One-On-One Mentoring

Empire Life’s one-on-one business support is a game-changer. You will meet with Allison twice a month in two 45-min deep dive strategy sessions. You will have access to Empire Life courses too. Making your dreams, goals, and visions a reality, and quickly with the strategies from Allison and Empire Life.


Belonging to a heart-centered, ambitious, and intuitive community of women is life-changing. You will meet with the group twice a month, in two 45-min deep dive strategy group zoom sessions. You will have access to Empire Life courses too. Make your dreams, goals, and visions a reality, and quickly with the strategies from Allison, Empire Life, and the incredible community.

Day Intensive

An in-depth look into leading you through raising your prices. 4 hour intensive on zoom with Empire Life. Access to Empire Life Facebook Group For Female Founders. Intense deep dive into your business inner workings, guiding on strategies, and structure specifically tailored to you and your business. First To Know About All Things Empire Life – Giveaways, Offers, Freebies, Courses, Events, New Podcast Episodes, And Blogs, Premium Access To Empire Life Masterclasses, Podcasts, Blogs, And Empire Life Content. 5% Discount On All In-Person And Online Empire Life Events

Become An Author

Becoming an Author in this program includes: Private Facebook Group Access. Book Cover Design. Formatting Of The Book. Monthly Author Zoom Meetings. Each Author Has A Promo Week. Promo Week Features: In the Empire Life Blog, On All Social Media, Guest On The Empire Life Podcast, Facebook Live Guest, Instagram Live Guest. Planned And Promoted Events: Meet The Authors Online Event, Pre-Launch Online Event, Book Launch Day Online Event, Planning, And Social Media Features. 5 Personalized Customized Graphics.

Raise Your Prices Online Course

Right now this course is offered complementary. For self-identifying women seeking to raise their prices, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, and raise their self-confidence.

Business Retreat

For female bosses to come together and be treated as queens while learning tips from super-successful female business bosses. Network and collab with like-minded females from around the world in a relaxed and intuitive environment.

our Recent blogs

Check Out The Most Recent Blogs.

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