Detractors From Wealth Becoming A Wealth Magnet (Part 1)

It is important to remove detracting items when it comes to attracting and becoming a wealth magnet. It might be hard to believe, yet I imagine there are a lot of items on this list we all might be continuing to do without understanding how they directly nigate all our hard work, ease, and flow of wealth! 

To have and make the most impact on the wealth in your life. Wealth can mean more incoming money, more money saved, more money coming in from your business, more clients, more online courses sold, a better team, a better relationship, more time with friends and family. Wealth and abundance mean different things to different people. First decide what true wealth means to you, and in 5 years, and then 10 years, and 20 years. Most likely all of these time periods will look and feel different. 

A lot of people aim to make an impact and are unaware of exactly what takes away from making the greatest impact.

First, Decide What It Is You Want

Be brave and secure in what it is you are envisioning for your wealth, success, and life. 

Write these items out in a trusted secure journal, and/ or have a life and business coach support you through them, apply here for Empire Life business coaching.

Own your goals, and understand your core desires of why you want to achieve them.

Core desires are how you want to feel everyday.

Some examples of core desires are: freedom, affluent, abundant, comfortable, at ease, peace, happiness, love, secure, stable, helpful, supportive/supported, and more. 

The universe, and god, and your version of a higher power, or energy respond to a clearly stated desire. Be as clear as possible about your desires, goals, and where you are going. Another way to look at this is if you get in the car, you need to know exactly where you are going.

Prove Marketing And Business ROI

100% of coaches and female-led businesses who implemented Empire Life’s business strategies in client leads, monthly income (often a 20X increase from when they started with Empire Life’s support), and client retention after having Empire Life Mentorship, apply here.

We Teach People How To Treat, Us For The Most Part

Some people will never treat us in the way we want, and this is different from focusing on training, and teaching someone how to treat us. If we know this to be true, that a person/ people in your life will not ever be respectful, or fulfill your needs you set, or boundaries, please limit your time with these people in your life. 

Remember the quote, “You are the CEO of your life, hire and let go as you need.”  

If you are a person who has not ever ‘rocked the boat,’ hearing this and implementing it might feel selfish at first. 

It will get easier. 

Almost in every situation we are training people on how to treat us. We are teaching them how we want to be treated by what boundaries we set, how we enforce them, what we tolerate, what we will not tolerate, and more.

With heavily investing in ourselves there is also no need to invest in multiple online courses which are not geared for the woman scaling her business. 

There are mastermind and online courses primarily for the female founder who is just starting out. Where we guide them in finding and solidifying their ideal client, their client avatar, and hone in on their exact message, their true essence and bringing this to the world, in our Empire Life Blueprint Online Course, here

For the female businesses who are scaling, who are already making over $20,000USD-$40,000USD per month, there needs to be a different and unique level of support, just for you. This leads me to our mastermind (doors opening soon!!), and masterminds in general to be a part of, and contact us and apply here.

Setting Great Boundaries Tips

Great boundaries can be challenging in the way you actually need to follow through on them once they are set. As above with teaching people how to treat us, boundaries also get easier to implement as we practice them. 

— All of these above detract from our message and impact to the world in what we want for our wealth health and magnetism, they distract the audience and listener.–


Have you had a chance to grab our best-selling book, with women stories of their rising to success, and Redefining their success.

If you want to be featured in the upcoming book REDEFINE, Series 2, are a female founder, with an incredible story to share with millions to inspire them, apply here.



    You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, and Twitter

    To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIn.


    It is important to remove detracting items when it comes to attracting and becoming a wealth magnet.”

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